what is biodynamic craniosacral therapy?

Biodynamic craniosacral is a gentle hands-on therapy in which the practitioner listens deeply to the subtle movements of the fluids and structures of your system and waits as your body’s inherent intelligence finds coherence, harmony and balance. It is powerful work because it creates a deep sense of safety for your nervous system to be seen, felt and heard. In biodynamic work we relate to your system as a whole, rather than to the individual problematic parts! Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is based on the work of Dr William Sutherland, an osteopathic doctor whose teacher. osteopath Dr William Blake, lived with and was influenced by the indiginous wisdom of the Native American Shawnee people. It blends a current understanding of neuroscience, anatomy and trauma with an acknowledgement of the mystery of the great force of Life itself.

Odd as it may sound, there is no intention on the part of the practitioner to fix or adjust. Rather, your body will guide the process your system is needs and re-balance where it is ready. You as the client are in charge, and we work at your pace.

VIDEO: BCST explained

how can biodynamic craniosacral therapy help me?

Craniosacral therapy is interested in the root of imbalance, rather than merely symptoms. Craniosacral sessions almost always lead to a deep sense of relaxation in which the nervous system softens and healing resources become available. Areas in your system where there have been patterns of holding (often for good, though outdated, reasons) let go, releasing the energy that was keeping them in place. As well as improvement in physical symptoms like pain, tension and inflammation, clients often feel a deeper sense of ‘being themself’, more awareness, joy and contentment. It is work that enhances physical, emotional and energetic health.

I have found craniosacral work to be invaluable to help with:

  • Concussion, nervous system and neurological issues

  • Stress and overwhelm

  • Auto-immune illness

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Headaches

  • Insomnia

  • Physical injuries

  • Chronic pain

  • Pregnancy and birth (for both babies and mothers)

  • Trauma, and the resulting patterns of adaptation (including attachment and generational trauma)

  • TMJ and jaw tension, and resolving dental trauma

  • Chronic fatigue, long covid, fibromyalgia

  • Gut and organ imbalance

  • Hormone imbalance

VIDEO: biodynamic craniosacral trainer, Steve Haines, explains what the method is useful for

what can i expect in a session?

In a biodynamic craniosacral session, after an initial check-in, you lie fully clothed on a table in a warm room. When you’ve settled, the practitioner places her hands very gently on your body, for example at the back of your ankles, and listens deeply to intuit the movements in your system of your bones, fluids, organs and craniosacral mechanism. It is your body which directs what is called the ‘‘inherent treatment plan, which might guide the therapist to change their hand placement several times, perhaps to under the spine, perhaps under the sacrum, perhaps cradling the skull… The session on the table lasts around 35 - 45 minutes, and there is chance to talk at the end, and for the therapist to give you any suggestions to help integrate the session.

Some clients simply feel relaxed during a session, some experience tingling, warmth, cold, or unusual sensations in various parts of their body. Sometimes people cry. or laugh as tension is released. Sometimes people want to change position on the table or to move in some way. It is a space to do whatever you need to do to be comfortable.

where can i have a craniosacral session, how many will i need, and how much does it cost?

I currently offer sessions in Paekakariki, in a quiet, lovely, retreat-like setting

I usually suggest at least three sessions.

Cost: $90 per hour.
Please allow 5-10 extra minutes for your first session - there is a form to fill in!

people say

‘As it was my first time to do BCST, I did not know what to expect. Rachel was wonderful, gentle, and allowed the sessions to develop on their own. not leading me with expectations. As the sessions progressed, their value became apparent. Deep relaxation, intense emotional release and physical healing were my takeaway gifts. Thank you Rachel!
D. K., navigation designer

‘I found Rachel's treatment helpful in addressing the physical issues I arrived with, but also in bringing greater awareness to my overall physical , mental and emotional state. She brings great sensitivity and loving energy to her work.’
H. B., ceramicist

‘This (BDST) work with Rachel really brings me to a particular type of stillness that I don't think I get anywhere else in my life.  And from that something always seems to emerge.’ 
F. W., permaculture gardener

‘I have had several wonderful experiences of Rachel’s work during the time she was training. She moves, touches and holds with such care and kindness that my whole body fills with appreciation.’
V. F., educator

‘A powerful method to come into deep relaxation within a very short time.’
G. G, musician