Rachel Tobin, based in Kapiti, Welllington, draws on her own diverse life experience, the wisdom of her teachers and expertise with a range of mindfulness and wellness strategies, to help you access your innate goodness. Depending on who you are and the issues you bring, there is a range of tools Rachel can offer you in an individual  session.

why book a session?

Mindfulness is a wonderful practice to sustain those who feel already well and in balance, but often people are motivated to explore it when they are suffering from issues like:

  • Stress, anxiety and/or depression

  • Driven or over-active thinking

  • Trauma responses

  • Blocked feelings and lack of body awareness

  • Loss, grief, and crisis of identity

  • Chronic fatigue and/or stress-related illness

  • Relationship stress

  • Sleep issues

  • Communication challenge

what will we do in a session?

In individual coaching, mentoring or supervision sessions, you have the opportunity to speak freely with someone who listens without judgment, and to learn tools that enable your insight , growth and change. In a session, we may explore:

  • The basic laws of the universe relative to self-responsibility, thought and the manifestation of experience

  • The understanding of your own nervous system and trauma

  • Breath techniques for relaxation and resilience

  • Grounding and relaxation techniques

  • Awakening of body awareness

  • Creative activities to help you work with different parts of yourself

  • Mindfulness meditation, in movement and sitting

  • Self-enquiry questions

  • The art of listening deeply

  • Mindfulness in communication and relationships


  • Deep relaxation of the body and mind

  • Development of self-responsibility and self-witnessing without judgment

  • Increased resilience and joy

  • Improved mental health

  • More vitality and energy

  • Restful sleep

  • More skillful communication and the ability to listen and respond rather than react

  • Greater enjoyment and appreciation of the wonder of being alive

  • Increase in emotional strength and resilience

  • Enhanced self-awareness

  • Greater calm and centred-ness


options/costs for coaching /supervision, or mindfulness training

Face-to-face, ZOOM or Skype 1:1 session: $95

EIGHT 1-hour face-to-face, ZOOM or Skype sessions, weekly, with free email support if required $680 ($85 per session)

introduction to mindfulness:
4 or 6-week individually-tailored courses

FOUR 1-hour face-to-face, ZOOM or Skype sessions, weekly, with weekly follow up email, links, and recorded practices:

SIX 1-hour face-t-face, ZOOM or Skype sessions, weekly, with follow up emails, links and recorded practices $560
(Includes mindfulness in movement, mindfulness in communication with others)

How much will a face-to-face session cost?

KAPITI: Paekakariki                                     
$95 / hour (one-off session)

A commitment to practising at least 15 minutes daily is required to do a mindfulness course.

If your circumstances do not allow you to afford the fees above, please contact me to negotiate something you can afford.

people say

"Rachel has the ability to listen, understand and support. She brings a range of techniques to the table which offer options no matter what mind space you were in when the session started.
I am yet to find another ‘coach’ who works in the way Rachel does – she has a down-to-earth approach, with an ability to laugh, cry and be there for you and with you, while giving you tools to help you grow.”
- T. B., Auckland

"Rachel’s approach is gentle and supportive, and she gave me the complete space to be myself. Sessions with her allowed me to really stand on my own feet in my life."
- K. J., Wellington

"I have found Rachel to be positive, warm and accepting in coaching sessions. This meant I was fully able to share myself and at the same time feel completely safe. It was the first time I felt deeply, in my bones, that I am totally OK, just as I am."
- L. B., Wellington

“Rachel’s focus on holistic wellness has taught me much about integrating meditation and body work into my life. She’s enabled me to connect mind, body and spirit in the most delightful, fun and useful ways. I come away … renewed, refreshed and reinvigorated."
- Jane McCann, leadership consultant, Wellington

"Rachel is a woman who has and is willing to take herself on a profound journey through life's unknown. She has been willing to make herself vulnerable and become open to her inherent life of wisdom. She will be a wonderful guide and mentor for anyone who chooses to engage with her."
- Arohananda, wisdom teacher, Tushita Heart Hermitage, Northland


I started my work life with a degree in biochemistry, and became a high-school science and maths teacher. Since then I've worked in a variety of roles, teaching people the art of mindfulness, communication skills, self-awareness, Feldenkrais and qi gong. I've worked in the area of well-being in organizations and in the fields of stress, grief and loss.

My deepest interest is in seeing human beings learn to live with more ease, well-being and joy. I know at first hand our human capacity for pain, and have understood from my own life that it is the mind, and often the effect of trauma that creates and perpetuates the most intense suffering. I have found ongoing mindfulness practice to be wonderful in learning to slow down, to work with my own nervous system, to uncover limiting thinking patterns and beliefs, and to cultivate more ease, spontaneity and pleasure in the daily duties of everyday life.

Since childhood, I’ve been attracted to the Mystery, the great Spirit of Life and to the workings of the psyche and the mind. My spiritual journey, with teachers I’ve been blessed to meet, has been to re-discover the natural and inherent joy that comes from simply being. That simple truth, as well as a thorough understanding of the dense conditioning which eclipses that original radiance and happiness, is increasingly informing my work with others.

Cancellation policy

Please give 12 hours notice to cancel an individual session. If less notice is given, a $40 fee is payable. For people who do not attend the appointment, and have not contacted me to let me know, the full fee is payable.



Give the gift of an individual mindfulness-based life coaching session (or retreat or course) to someone you care about!

Mindfulness for children

Mindfulness for children has been found to:

improve attention span

help stress and anxiety

leads to a child showing more empathy for others

improve a child's self-management tools

promote relaxation

Mindfulness practice has helped millions of adults learn a more resourceful response to the stresses inherent in being human.. Children too, who are under great pressure from peers, social conditioning, media and the internet, can learn to protect themselves by using these well-researched tools, when those mindfulness tools are adapted to younger age groups.

When children learn how to be mindful, taking a few moments before responding to stressful situations, they become more resilient, more thoughtful and more empathic. They also learn to understand the relationship between thinking and feelings in the body.

We all know mindfulness is good for us. Mindfulness allows us to be present in our parenting, choosing a skillful response, instead of succumbing to our visceral reactions. Mindfulness is also good for our children. There is an emerging body of research, including some exciting new NZ research, that shows mindfulness helps children improve their ability to pay attention, to calm down when they are upset and to make better decisions. In short, it helps with emotional regulation and cognitive focus. Doesn't everyone want that for their children?

Individual sessions for children (plus a parent or family)

The. very best way to teach mindfulness to a young child is to practice and model it as adults and parents. The natural expression of mindfulness begins with us, so we can then ‘transmit’ that state to children through our own energy and example. I therefore suggest that you attend a introductory course or one-day retreat or have some individual coaching yourself before you book a session for you and your child.. Please note that I don’t work with childre

why book a session for your child?

Mindfulness is an important tool for children when they are happy and healthy, but sometimes parents only think of it when there are issues like:

  • Low attention span or focus

  • Stress and anxiety

  • Lack of empathy for others

  • Difficulty relaxing or sleeping

  • Emotional over-reactivity

  • Lack of body awareness

  • Emotional withdrawal

what do we do in a session?

In a session for your child, (one you also be participate in), present-moment awareness is built using engagement in the senses, games, activities, walking and conversing. Here are some of the things we might explore:

  • Using the senses to come home to the present moment

  • Awareness of the breath as an anchor

  • Mindful eating

  • Mindful listening

  • Mindful movements and games

  • Walking mindfulness practice

  • Relaxation tools for your child to use as resources

  • Exercises to help sleep

  • Interactive drawing work

where would we come, and how much?

Sessions are in Paekakariki, KAPITI

Fees are generally $95 per hour, for you and your child.

An initial family session, (1 hour 15 minutes) with 4 more children is $160, then subsequent sessions (1 hour) $120.

If your situation does not allow for these fees, please contact me to negotiate.

Please note: A willingness to practice with your children is a pre-requisite for working with me.

“I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own Being.”
- Hafiz